how to order from us








This website is our way of showing you our products.
  We use high quality pictures to illustrate our products along with
 a description of each item,

If you desire more information We are happy to answer any questions you have.

The best way to get in touch with John is to use Email.  There is a link to John's email on practically every page of our website.  This way you can spell out exactly what you want and the chances of any misunderstanding are reduced greatly.

So, if you have any question about any of our items, or if you are ready to order, you can email John  and he will answer your question(s) directly.  If you are placing an order, John will calculate the price for your order shipped to your door.  John will then email you in return with the price shipping included and instructions as to how to pay for your order. 

If it becomes necessary to speak to John personally, you can call our phone number and he will resolve any question or concern you might have.

While we may be a bit "old fashioned" in that we do not have an online ordering system, it is due to our desire to give each customer personal service and make sure that if you have any questions that they are answered for you.

John wants every one of his customers to be satisfied with their order.  We work hard to ensure that our products are to the highest standards of quality and that all your technical questions that we can answer are dealt with.

Thanks for stopping by and we hope to hear from you.

 John Tennis, Owner  MVPA# 27905
189 Woods Road  
St. Johnsville, NY 13452
(518) 424-8455 or email